Tosca Test Engineers Meetup in Wellington | TTC Global

Tosca Test Engineers Meetup in Wellington

It had been a while. Almost two years in fact. And good to see that the community (and the product) had grown in that time.

Shane Version2 Cropped2
  • Shane Ross
  • 18 September 2022

Tuesday 6th August saw the re-start of the Tosca Test Engineers meetups in Wellington. With work from home being prevalent and some recent bad weather it was always going to be a punt to see if there was still an appetite for the Tosca community to meet in person to hear from presenters, meet and exchange views and ideas, and enjoy some food and drink while doing so. 32 registrations and 26 attendees confirmed that there was a desire for people to meet and the level of discussion across the room during both registration and post presentation networking was good to see.

Compilation of Pictures from the Tosca Test Engineers Meetup

This meetup was particularly special in that it was the first that Tricentis had attended in person, as well as had presented at. With the recent changes in the Tricentis APAC team and appointment of new roles to focus on the New Zealand market we were pleased to welcome both David Haines and Ron Impey of Tricentis to the event. It was a good opportunity for both to meet the local community, as well as for David to provide a brief update both on recent local changes at Tricentis, and his new role.

The meetup featured three presentations, designed to appeal to those new / considering Tosca, those already using Tosca and those wanting to get an idea of the upcoming changes in the Tosca functions. They were:

  • Learning Tosca – experiences with the online training and shift from online training to real world use. TTC’s own Karan Khurmi presented on his journey from starting with TTC and being intimidated with Tosca through to now using Tosca on a client site for test automation <link to presentation>.
  • Tosca working with Open Source inside a New Zealand Government Agency that shifted from Waterfall to Agile – and how Test Automation enabled that change. Craig Moir presented on his 12-year journey with Ministry of Social Development, setting up, leading and growing their end-to-end test automation practice there <link to presentation>.
  • Tosca Dashboards – new in Tosca 15.2. Gunjan Shrestha walked the meetup through the design purpose and use of the new customisable Tosca Dashboards as released with Tosca v15.2. A significant upgrade over the reporting available in earlier versions of Tosca <link to presentation>.

The Wellington Tosca Test Engineers meetup continued TTC’s investment in and focus on growing and informing the local Tosca community. The meetups are a no-sales gathering of those interested in, using and managing users of Tricentis Tosca. Our next meetup is loosely scheduled for February-March 2023 timeframe. If you are keen to present a topic, please let us know <contact us>.