So, How Big is the Tauranga Software Testing Community?
We held a meet up for Test Managers in Tauranga, New Zealand last month.

To answer the question .... pretty significant if the first event Tauranga Software Testing meet up is anything to go by. Just over twenty people attended the first meetup on Thursday 19th September. Hosted by Bay of Plenty Regional Council, the event was a full two hours with plenty of contribution from those attending.
Given this was the first event Software Testing Meetup in Tauranga, we followed the agenda-less Lean Coffee format to get conversation going, generate topics and spark debate. You can see a list of the topics here. Interestingly, while 'Assessing the value of testing' as a topic didn’t collect a large number of votes, it dominated the latter parts of the session. Recognition (and therefore proper funding) of the software test function is certainly a topic that will be taken through to the next Tauranga Software Testing Community meet up.
Sponsored by TTC, these software testing meet ups are community-based, providing an opportunity for those in the community to get to know one another. A pleasing aspect of the Tauranga Software Testing meet up is that since the event was held, a Slack group has been created for all attendees to communicate and already members have set up their own site visits to share ideas, experiences and knowledge.
The next Tauranga Software Testing meetup is set for Wednesday 27th November and already it has a number of new people signed up to attend.