A Holistic View of Quality Engineering | TTC Global

A Holistic View of Quality Engineering

Revisiting the Second Episode of the Quality Conversations Podcast

Neha Desadla
  • Neha Desadla
  • 23 January 2024

Quality Conversations

For the second episode of TTC Global's Quality Conversations podcast, we once again plunged into the depths of software testing trends and best practices, this time guided by our hosts, Chris Rolls and Nate Custer. Chris and Nate engaged in a captivating conversation with Dilhan Manawadu, the Director of Software Quality Engineering & Development Platform at Sysco. With over fifteen years of experience in the software development industry, Dilhan brought a wealth of knowledge to the conversation.

This episode led us on an enthralling journey through the multifaceted landscape of code quality, complexity reduction, and the nurturing of a culture ingrained with continuous improvement within organizations. Dilhan's profound insights not only underscored the pivotal role of quality engineering in today's software development but also highlighted its indispensable influence on the triumph of digital transformation endeavors.

While our excitement for exploring new challenges in the software testing industry knows no bounds, we invite you to revisit our second episode to embark on this enriching journey into the world of software testing.

Looking Back on Episode Two

In this captivating installment of TTC Global's Quality Conversations podcast, Dilhan Manawadu, Sysco's Director of Software Quality Engineering & Development Platform, shares profound insights into the dynamic realm of software testing. Alongside hosts Chris Rolls and Nate Custer, Dilhan illuminates the evolution of testing methodologies across industries like retail giants, diverse government organizations, and Sysco, emphasizing their pivotal role in contemporary software development.

Unveiling Testing Methodologies Evolution

During the episode, Dilhan discusses shifts in the quality engineering space that he's noticed throughout his career. Within the last few years, Dilhan has noticed shifts from traditional methods to the integration of DevOps and Agile practices, advancements in low code/no code approaches, and AI-driven testing. These changes in practices continue to influence the landscape of software quality engineering.

It is noted, however, that while technology may move forward, there is a tendency to reintroduce previous methodologies and practices. The seemingly cyclical nature of the software testing industry creates ample opportunity to learn from the past while also allowing room for innovation.

What is Quality Engineering?

Dilhan delves into the multifaceted realm of 'quality engineering,' distinguishing it from conventional testing by emphasizing its holistic approach. He explores the profound impact of digital transformation on enhancing both customer and employee experiences. He also stresses the necessity for seamless transitions to newer technologies.

A discussion about what makes someone a quality engineer also takes place. Dilhan underscores that a quality engineer within a team must possess not only testing knowledge but also a comprehensive understanding of the entire process, including test architecture, design, coding aspects, and DevOps.

The essence of quality engineering lies in focusing on improving the overall application experience. It's not merely about the end goal; rather, it involves adopting a holistic approach from the project's inception. Testing alone doesn't yield quality software, states Nate Custer. Instead, teams must foster a quality mindset—one that comprehends a client's architecture, coding, tools, and processes. This collaborative approach is key to achieving true software quality.

Encouraging Personal & Professional Growth

Encouraging team members to acquire new skills or adapt to unfamiliar applications can pose challenges. For example, users accustomed to certain applications may find simpler alternatives less appealing due to the need to navigate a learning curve once again.

The crux of successful transformation lies in changing individuals' behavior and mindset. Internal transformations should be infused with a compelling vision and a larger purpose, allowing team members to grasp the inherent value. Dilhan stresses the importance of investing in learning opportunities, a move that significantly bolsters team support. Transitioning staff to new technologies can be facilitated through coaching and mentoring.

Dilhan underscores a crucial insight for leaders in the field—the alignment of company vision with individual development. This, he believes, is pivotal in navigating mindset shifts and harnessing technology's transformative potential to fuel personal growth and career advancement. Addressing concerns about job insecurity, he advocates focusing on outcomes rather than raw output as the key to success.

This ultimately is a focus on people and culture. Dilhan stresses the importance of investing in people, their growth, and retention, which ultimately contributes to an organization's overall success.

Episode Summary

Overall, this discussion provides a comprehensive view of software testing, quality engineering, and digital transformation. Dilhan’s insights are a guiding compass for navigating the evolving landscape of modern software development, offering valuable perspectives and trends for industry professionals to stay ahead. Having him as a guest allowed for enlightening discussions that resonate with who we are as an organization. TTC Global remains dedicated to cultivating a supportive culture that nurtures quality engineering practices; conversations such as these ones help us continue to grow this culture, and we hope that it allows listeners to do the same within their own teams.

Tune in to this episode to gain an in-depth understanding of the field's dynamics and emerging innovations.

The Future of Quality Conversations

In our previous episodes, we've explored various dimensions of quality engineering, discussing the importance of agile testing, the challenges in implementing in-sprint automation, and the critical role of architecture in enabling efficient code quality measures. Each conversation has been a step toward understanding the intricacies of software quality, emphasizing its comprehensive nature beyond mere testing or automation.

Stay tuned for more engaging conversations and inspiring narratives on TTC's Quality Conversations podcast! You can view all of our episodes on our Quality Conversations page.