Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Test Automation | TTC Canada

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Test Automation

Speed to market is a critical KPI for most organizations. TTC along with one of our manufacturing clients was able to achieve superior results in this area through test automation.

TTC Americas Nate Custer

Our client is a leading supplier of semi-conductor based solutions, offering a comprehensive portfolio of energy efficient connectivity, sensing, power management, analog, logic, timing, discrete, and custom devices.

At the end of 2017 this client was seeking a way to enhance its speed to market and ensure it could seamlessly solve unique customer needs and challenges. With the need to become more Agile in the SDLC, the client quickly realized that the legacy quality assurance tools it was using were not cost effective. The team knew they needed to start to implement test automation, so reached out to TTC to assist in the implementation of test automation for their global operations.


TTC worked with this client to select the test cases that tested across the most important RICE components in the EBS Order Management implementation. Once those were selected, we focused on automating the high priority cases. After the initial automation was completed, TTC remained engaged, ensuring the tests ran in a DEX environment as part of a regular regression cycle and adapted the tests to increase robustness and reduce false negative failures.

By focusing on the entire SDLC of the tests that were developed, the TTC team ensured we delivered on the promise of automation to reduce work over time. TTC worked with the client’s team to hand off maintenance efforts and ensure that these maintenance efforts would continue without TTC's involvement.

When new projects started to perform a major upgrade to Oracle EBS, because of the care and craft used by TTC in the test creation, we were able to port the tests to the new system within the first upgrade cycle. The OM test suite remained the first set of tests to be completed across the EBS Upgrade Project. This lead to the OM tests from TTC setting the quality bar that other projects are now compared against.


TTC has given the manufacturing client's team the ability to:

  • Test end-to-end across all applications
  • Move to a more continuous software delivery model
  • Perform faster regression runs
  • Take upgrades regularly
  • Improve maintenance testing through regression automation